Meeting the Challenge of 9/11: Blueprints for More Effective Government
Edited by Thomas H. Stanton
Hardcover: 368 pages
Publisher: Routledge; 1st edition (November 15, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0765617587
ISBN-13: 978-0765617583
9/11 revealed serious public sector shortcomings in such areas as border security and immigration control, cybersecurity, and first responses to hostile acts. This book focuses on how to make government more effective, especially in our post-9/11 era of heightened concern for national and homeland security.
A book review in the Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management states:
“This is an excellent collection of essays by top public administration scholars….these scholars are not, for the most part, disaster or homeland security scholars. But the authors and the editor are to be commended for using September 11 as an organizing idea and as a point in time that calls for more careful thinking about the organization, management, and delivery of key government services. Those concerned with public management in the homeland security era will find this book very useful and thought provoking.” Vol. 4, No. 2, Article 8, 2007.
The book consists of an introduction and 13 chapters:
- Introduction: Meeting the Challenge of September 11, by Thomas H. Stanton
- Chapter One: Enhancing the Capacity of Government: A Guide to Organizational Design, by Thomas H. Stanton
- Chapter Two: Developing the Domestic Security State, by James Carroll
- Chapter Three: Creating the Department of Homeland Security: Choosing An Old Corrective for a New Problem, by Frederick M. Kaiser
- Chapter Four: The Undersecretary for Management: An Essential Position in a Cabinet Department, by Alan L. Dean and Dwight Ink
- Chapter Five: The Proposal for an Office of Federal Management Revisited, by Ronald C. Moe
- Chapter Six: Observations on Organization and Management, by Murray Comarow
- Chapter Seven: Managing Change That Makes a Difference, by Dwight Ink
- Chapter Eight: Developments in the Federal Performance Management Movement: Balancing Conflicting Values in GPRA and PART, by Beryl Radin
- Chapter Nine: The Many Cultures of Government, by Michael Maccoby
- Chapter Ten: Contracting, an American Way of Governance: Post 9/11 Constitutional Choices, by Dan Guttman
- Chapter Eleven: Improving the Military Personnel System, by Cindy Williams
- Chapter Twelve: Will Homeland Security Improve Intergovernmental Management? by Enid Beaumont and Bruce McDowell
- Chapter Thirteen: Improving Federal Relations with States, Localities, and Private Organizations on Matters of Homeland Security: The Stakeholder Council Model, by Thomas H. Stanton